Name of the Innovator: Srinivas District: Hyderabad Name of Innovation(English): Mechanical batteries Name of Innovation

Activated charcoal and corncobs smoke filter
Name of the Innovator: Siddharth Y & Shreyas Bhargava District: Hyderabad Name of Innovation(English): Activated

Smart Gloves for truck drivers to alert them on their pulse rate
Name of the Innovator: Safiya Begum & Padmaja District: Hyderabad Name of Innovation(English): Smart Gloves

Plug & Play AC Power Generation through Solar Panel
Name of the Innovator: Gautham District: Hyderabad Name of Innovation(English): Plug & Play AC Power

Airbag mechanism to prevent severe injuries for the bike drivers during accident
Name of the Innovator: Yasaswi District: Hyderabad Name of Innovation(English): Airbag mechanism to prevent severe

Easy uplitfer of patients to avoid body injuries
Name of the Innovator: Ravikar Reddy District: Hyderabad Name of Innovation(English): Easy uplitfer of patients