Name of the Innovator: Barathamma

District: Wanaparthy

Name of Innovation(English): Mechanism to grow multiple vegetable plants using the surface of one water drum

Name of Innovation (Telugu): ఒక నీటి డ్రమ్ యొక్క ఉపరితలం ఉపయోగించి బహుళ కూరగాయల మొక్కలను పెంచే విధానం

Description – English: Vegetables that can be made from bio-fertilizers and in less space at every home. In this experiment we took a drum and make 30 to 40 holes in it, later we added red soil and cow dung and some biofertilizers and then grew 30 to types of vegetables in it. We placed a holed pvc-pipe in the center of the drum and we decompose kitchen waste in it and made it suppy to vegetables.

Category of Innovator: Homemaker

Sector of the Innovation: Food